when is it now

lundi 24 décembre 2012

one day, one woman, one child, one love, one life, I am only to say, far from my dreams close to my conscience, I think it is good to want good, this is a normal thinking, I'm just trying to see what is important in life, is to break ties, wanting to be alone, spending his time in a vacuum, I think we can go far in adventure, everything is there if the will or power, then why do we see life in his kindness and generosity, where does this vision, this time of Christmas, we would not want that everyone is happy, happier than May 25 or October 5, the day my father died of a sudden, without warning, death, abdication, renunciation, travel in space and time, my youth, my age, my abandoning of pleasure, ha, old pain, rebirth in peace, but how to continue, how can we believe that it is possible to destroy the vile beast that grows in me a desire for destruction, boredom, when everything is beautiful, wonderful, why can defeat his demons, God, thank you, even if I am not able to love at this point, I am alone against the world, there is nothing in Help, I'm alone, thank you, thank you, thank you, love saves me, around me he built high walls with small openings to which I rushed to meet the beast in me, but I always come back under the protection of the high walls, life goes on

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