when is it now

mercredi 9 octobre 2013

must however well clear before accepting the inadequacy of the pass on the first level, a full-scale test that allows you to get a clear idea , I 'm still not going to soak me only for the reason all it's worth , but I ask that , I do not know, must find help , how to bounce back, I'm alone , I do not have the necessary strength, then why is we got there, I do not see any other way , it is a war chest , I do know , for years I was someone who did not care for his mistakes , j ' paying the price today , years of lies to end up in a hole, what a story , I would have thought another purpose, but between what we believe and what is true there is often a place of truck, drank too much attention to it , it's his wife who will not be happy , three dead this afternoon , that's a lot for three beers with friends, but this is not how we will go to a reduction of expenses , because it is an issue that strikes twice too fast , I had already told him, but time passes and drags emergencies that become old files , it is a slow unprecedented because before there was no computer , people knew that nothing could be expected but now we want to immediately be informed, here we progress leads , greater demand and less fun because it which had before it was to have children who could quickly work on the farm , but now there are tractors, heavy machinery to cut the wheat , it no longer works , we look at the trains go by , there celuis 5 hours, it is always on time except for the time he has been derailed and put everything in order that a month later, in the meantime I had moved and I never saw the train 5 hours c is a slight Remember , it takes me like that, a ray of sunshine , a pretty girl dancing in the street

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