when is it now

mercredi 9 octobre 2013

when do I need to know the fields of my certainty , before I know I always take the time to assess the situation, is that I can do that , I ask myself , it starts in the cabbage if I had the chance to leave on time , but there is always something that delayed me a fruit salad , a worm in the ground, difficult to wear choice , and to top it all I am still in the same situation , if it continues I think I 'm going to complain, it is not possible to do anything, how can it still ignore what we think of her, but no, she continues to live while the god recalls should be reasonable and leave this earth while there is still time, as places are expensive , it depends more on the age is older and it's hard, you do not understand nothing , the body falls into the minimum of effort , there is more energy, but life goes on , looks out the window , meals to suicide , but I do not say this to worry I just want to clarify, hopefully for twenty years , so what else to do , wait it out , then I hurry , we must act quickly , time is not lost, it is just waiting one day I shall make no more I care , it matters to me one more step is sometimes the hardest thing to do, then you can always esssayer least because it is aquired c ' is always the best, then you have to accept losing, it is the law of life, how can we hope to change that's profonément registered us, it is a significant part , an old version that returns trendy , places you go, the blue cars long clothes , jam at breakfast, and it still does not come , I start to worry , the doctor had told me to wait 20 years then I see the end of the tunnel

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