when is it now

mercredi 23 octobre 2013

this time I 'm sure this is a great opportunity for so many years it continues as before, but after this is not always what happens as it is in this world , it does not come out, he saw wholes day, he moves a little, a little, a little , but for now he believes in what he dreams , because in a year is a year, two years is anything I know very well what I mean, the chance to die one day , but until I have the chance to live happily , it has to live so when you are happy it counts double , triple , quadruple but I can not happen , it's not my role , every time this is the last start I do not think it's impossible to eat, what I do is anything, why I chose a letter rather than another deceiving me choice, it is hard to see without touching , because I think what I love without the corridor , it is not always e sounds, but to live what I am is an event not to end up alone , but I 'm not sure the end , it is a suitable solution is a death row , but the latter is not the first is how I do my accounts , one, two , three, I jumped over the fence , I find myself on the other side , but what's happening , I do not know because as I ran, I do not pay attention to detail, last time I ask you to not always be as far closer you the truth, that burning , that goes where you do not go because the leaves are collected in the shovel it's time to see as it is always someone not only to

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