when is it now

mardi 22 octobre 2013

immediately to not always be in the back , I see nothing , I go a little further , I need to find sources to not be in the hand of God , that I am trying to do well , because it's been since I left school, there are more notes teachers to tell if this is what I do , at the same time that I can be noted because what I do is not in the textbooks , since it depends on the random choice of every word that comes emerge amid uncertainties, today is today since the earth has rotated but when I wake up ten seconds it takes me to where I am, is that it has changed , or is it me who changes without noticing , because what changes I do not see , I live with a body that I do not know , this is not a concern , it's just annoying, and I can not always put what I want, because there are many moments in life where madness s ' possession of a good intention , it is more wrong , we have to pay attention to the beginning, when we still had time but soon it quickly becomes something else, we can not control anything because life is there a lot of pressure , incredible uncertainty and yet I live for 45 years without a problem, so I wonder one day soon will I anxious , will I sleep badly , I 'll finally realize what is most lacking c ' is to feel what is happening , because the information is not available , an opportunity that can not be a unique case , so I take what I know to be reliable, general knowledge that can reassure the time to hence , as it is everywhere, provided you take enough to spend a good time, is it possible to choose the best , when you do not know very well what is the path behind a fat ass woman but me what interests me most is to see it going , because when it goes, it can be a first condition that rises trying not to fall for that, I agree , it's good, a call from someone , why at this time , I do not understand what she wants , I would like but I do not know how to do , which is easy it is to say that n is not important , but I wonder if I can do it in broad daylight , is a fantasy , I do not want to put myself in a dire situation, but I see things that amaze me

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