when is it now

jeudi 24 octobre 2013

a cross planted in the earth , wild running to eat, and since the time of the invention of the wheel , it does not circulate on a ass, but in my ears I hear the sound of the sea , it sings like since the first man , millions of years waiting for the soup is hot , but now I 'm listening to footsteps in the snow, it's good, yesterday I was aware of the possibility of taking turning from right to left, but I 'm thinking, am I warned , it can always change at the last moment because what counts is a serene vision , away from extremism , passion deserted plain sacked and people forgiveness to make noise , I know we're in deep thought , but I 'm in my movement , I can not stop the risk of not leaving, it is dangerous to pass in the lower range , because what 's wrong is to always be in a colander without knife in hand, the moment anything can happen, people , food , blood , lyrics , good, beer which swells and closets full of dirty people , but belief is beautiful, I spend time to be sure to inflate a balloon , it's a party , we are happy , so what if it can not become something else , I like the right post which is all I am happy to come Friday , it's been that I think , clear choice, the ground beneath my feet , flowers and body

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