when is it now

lundi 25 novembre 2013

otherwise I laugh , everything is possible in an area of ​​choice , I take one , there is another 99 when I have time I will return to continue, but the time is sick , it should heal, and how do you recover from the sauce when it is too dry, because as usual we must do everything yourself, I step back , if it's about me I do all the work, it's a headlong rush , how to brake , the weight is too large, all the memories weigh tons , should alleviate , but not too much , because if any part you do not remember anything of what we did , where we come from , and where we are going , it is fragile but it exists , for years I want a party that wins gradually mother , one day I will be who I am, I am preparing for this very personal event , this will allow me to do what I can , one thing is essential , it must be preserved before destroying because the cycle is completed, it must move to the next , this is why I am calm , I know where I go, a feeling that I grow close to me , not having to store everything each time, it is faster to have everything in order to find him, when we pass noon they fell in the afternoon , a moment of intense satisfaction finally we leave the uncertain morning and enters the firm , full accessible when we go there we stay , it's always a bit the same situation , you just poking at the right place to release the simple joys , a small recreation few hours before facing the evening and uncertain gravity, what else , have a thirst for water, I quickly pass into another room to see if it gets better , I'm here , I ' wait I do not know what starting a little in concern but I'll quickly following that promises to make leaps , so it 's time to give , this is the time of the unconscious that will destroy all of that we did in the day does not correspond to the essential

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