when is it now

dimanche 1 décembre 2013

The pain of living not know until well after the first stirrings freezes in France 4l love god for an hour .No index action sim1blessure error error spontaneous friendly drama at a Slow Any cracks Everything collapses , giving way to reality , a mixture of funny and sad , full and empty trash who throw eyeful.Fortunately life is not as clear-cut in two . Everything is as sensitive as a violin string at barely touch. The other bodies are like me and yet it's hard to share. The whole point is to live in this paradox , all similar but each one in his life. How to find the pontqui spilled water below . Large logs that come from far upstream disrupt the smooth running of the exchange. the words are banal but hide Ms. history. Concealment , mystery, more than fifty years to live , let's be reasonable . The longer it goes I rooted in my culture and I belong oub1ie 21 humans. he will catch me one day when I'm old ready to fall into the hole. All united in the grave, no differences , wealth , culture, country, language, skin, galley, sailing , home, love. ] I lost everything until my flesh that protected my organs . In some time my bones are dust , and the name by which my friends call me , falls into oblivion . Despite this we have continued to act as if nothing had happened : the important thing is that I spend my tray and I succeed in my studies for me to full excavation. Be rich, what a mockery , life is played without the . No winner , no loser. Stories that accumulate each passing generation . It infact a packet from the first pair appeared on earth . He also had his little problems and big troubles for example when they lost their first child , and then there was no social security , let alone a psychologist to talk about the problem. Tons of human material dissolved in the ground. Any ambitions fulfilled in the dust of the roadsnaking under the sun. Birds mean , it 's noon time to meet those I love to share the meal. Hunting the other day and the fruit of our love count to ten . She laughs at me kindly , our creation was a dream there ten years. I look at the path , the pink dot . Their scent intoxicates me but drunkenness around me can not hide the clouds grew more over my body avenir.Mon sedge signals and occasionally pets 21. nothing serious yet but the time does not help , he turns in all. The small becomes large , false teeth and Appetite uncertain. do not feed evil. Whatever it is in me , I can even say that it is me, because without me no problem Remove the source and the water disappears . It was a mirage , you remember the person you were not yesterday . Impossible to know with accuracy . Remains an overall impression that hangs to the greater whole of the week. I dragged myself since Monday. .. and forgetfulness l0h22 Thursday we received an emotional shock stapling of a sudden ten sheetstogether.

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