when is it now

vendredi 20 juin 2014

modernity is disappointing

modernity is disappointing, it was believed to arrive at a comprehensive solution but when I see that Coca-Cola is the official beverage of the France team football, I am surprised, I am in asphyxiation, I cough, I scream conspiracy but how can imagine stronger trade intrigue six feet below, when we imagine that everything that happens is actually a combination of obscure people loving money and when the ideal of sport is put down, a Once that is done there remains only pray that the next time it is water source that is the drink of the France team football because I understand that there put forward a refreshing drink with soothing, but we can always dream, we believe that Coca-Cola is as rich as Qatar, but the most serious is that in 2014 it has not yet sunk into the ground that these negotiations is based only on money that is being done to have the chance to meet one day a white elephant that would come to see the Eiffel Tower, but it obviously does not bother to explain everything that happens in drawer is obviously staff while everything in a suitcase full of banknotes was enough to kill hope, so I ask those who lead France to go to war against the powers of money who do not want one thing apart from earning more, whereas with love is free, so for this time starts now can you imagine moralize public life she finds a nice consistency

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