when is it now

vendredi 7 janvier 2011

it would be obvious to believe but do not get the gist, it burns the head before you even know what is happening, it is better to try to go unnoticed, that way we can breathe calmly, there may be projects that only concern itself, I am able to tell me that I can continue, here is what is my future, an attempt that goes through there, but he must then step out to arrive on time, it remains that half an hour, then we close the doors, there is only boredom but there is still hope for it is evident that power is the source of knowledge, then it is now possible to start any on, but careful to place himself in the right place, otherwise it can not come to the right place, I was there before but still it could be that the time is too short, no time Ideally, this is an emergency, any swing in the mess because we have no time to do tomorrow, in ten years, we know that after going without one is good, if we knew that we could live well every day, but we are not sure that's true, then every hour you're bored, wondering, what will happen there in an hour, not much but when you think too it makes no difference to the result because forgiveness is an individual and the desire to do well is like the wind, nothing remains

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