when is it now

vendredi 25 février 2011

one day I could live like I did not know that everything is complicated, it's a dream, my understanding of life led me to realize that everything is futile, it would take so much upheaval in humans to make it different, How to get him ready to love, the reality is quite different, he hates his neighbor to protect his part he hates
  that's the problem in humans where there is a hatred that comes from afar, the body is the heritage of the first time, an accumulation of frustration, fear, anxiety, can we believe in paradise lost, it did not last very long, this is true that from time to time we experience love, one second a day, other times it just passes without being noticed, then how to stay positive, it is a mystery, the human body is composed of billions of atoms, how can we believe that this enormous project to go smoothly in one sense, one imagines that some are okay, but others want more choice, it is blocked, the human is aware, he struggles to be happy, something he weighs, the gray weather or bad news, he did not think to himself

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