when is it now

mercredi 23 octobre 2013

I believe it is possible to go without stopping condition split into two lucky because half that remains is not available in one way or another I'm nodes to be sure power power, power, to , get , get , I'm going to wonder what is happening, but for years I show what I can do, strainers plane-shaped holes in a lot of what I call a precision not always spend a little at a time, because the place is a chance that you can still despise , anyway I'm still closer to the possibility of making one thing rather than another, little mason, a little adventurous but I 'm a good , no good, very good , you can give it a try but I warn you that what you do is a test there is no speed is flat, featureless because what happens is a speed sensation as if I throw a ball at a crossroads full of people, a speed I can achieve when I do not know I know where I am , it happens to me when I sleep at night it sings, it changes from white to black, but when I wake up I see the lights, it can go from this morning I see that I can still make Round this is not how I 'm going to the movies , it would ask me desire that I no longer have since I went wrong, I was going to be able to, but the last time I ' gave up and never go out alone

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