when is it now

mercredi 8 juillet 2009

tomorrow will be like if I could imagine, as I have no imagination, I think I can not do what I did not experience, so I do not expect too much, I remain sitting, waiting is one of my occupations, I can descend to the bottom of my thoughts and then back to the top of my destiny, it takes five minutes or a day, depending on the direction of the wind and the age of the captain, we're all a master and also a lad, it's a balance to not sink, I slightly vogue in the middle of the storm, not too bad if the wave take me in the dream, I wake before losing my watch, it's time to take a foothold in reality, my body is activated to make me presentable, I'm ready to go, but already, I don't remember what I do today, I sit down to think, time passes, the evening comes and I'm still counting the time I could leave the apartment before the closing of shops, the last time i've done it0, ha! yes, it will be two years next Christmas, but we're still in June, I do not despair of success in the door opened, not for today, it is the Time to lie down, it makes me happy, I like to sleep thinking that the day is over

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