when is it now

vendredi 23 octobre 2009

it was time to realize that the lack reigned in the courtyard of despair, I was not aware that I could look like an idiot intelligent can understand the pain of knowing without taking any measure of sacrifice is to complete p, since the end does not pass through the medium in general, but it bewilders me as to pass through the envy, all was going well, I was slightly installed in temporary distress, suddenly I I begin to sing, how did I come from, can I get the first ride or must I accept to take the situation to where I left it fell like an old sock hole that is why I can not understand the meaning of my life, the tumult is magnificent, a great spectacle that I suck blood, I'll dry one day, as dry bread a kidney, while dry over time when it comes, wait for forty years, I am willing to wait another twenty years is my limit, then it will be too late, I'll play Russian roulette for well control the deadly game of life , is born to start the cycle fatal first second engaged in the process, activation of neurons, bodies in position reaction, saliva test, send the program, day one, day 9005, nothing to report, subject to a life time expectancy average self-realization, progressive loss of hair, shiny head with thinking

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