when is it now

mardi 21 juin 2011

all that is still present is not for long, it quickly falls into the void, it was what is no more, the reality begins at every moment, do not remember that part, it's like that it derailed, the weight is too large, the solution is obvious, it is there, no searching, just in front of me, she is there, waiting for me, we will live happily together, day follow the day, a brighter future, a desire that goes by, the pleasure is, we're talking about listening to us, in our differences we can see that the other exists, we were young and we are face to face the other, a story that a smooth since it is understood that the other is respectable, when I think I see the beginning we started, we start each morning, thinking the first day, the first who founded the instant love, in a gesture we laughed, we talked, we confessed our nakedness, we started on the path of conquest, we must win the bet that the day will notkill love every moment is precious, it meets our expectations

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