when is it now

mercredi 22 juin 2011

First think and do next, what I do I believe, if I'm alone it's a one, it goes well, I know that there is enough space, you have to take time, time is beginning to be understood I place all the elements in the right order, all is well, I think more and more that I can go far, all that is now now is the time it takes, I had an idea, long ago, immediately I know is the immediate solution, the possibilities are discovered, we had what we wanted, we are what we are, what we dreamed it gets, with confidence I advance further and further and could not stop, I do not have time to rest, every moment is precious, it is an intensive training to go beyond anxiety, lightly I look at this that could push me down, I laugh to see me as true, I dreamed for so long, I missed it a vision, this vision of life I see now, you have to expect, life takes time to break free of habits, one day everything is new and true,

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