when is it now

mardi 28 juin 2011

if I had one minute to live, I'd have to hurry, but what priority, I'm so used to not choose and I go with the others, is that one day I can strongly say what I want, but wanting is not enough, there must be i can, and this path is long, how can I rely on what I am, sometimes I have trouble believing in me, and it often I'm not interested, I'll go this way or that way, seeking something or other, trying to match what I'm deep, but it is so deep that I get lost often, and the time to go back to the area is already finished, so I'm happy with what I have and I hope one day she will come kiss my feet, devotion without limit, is it a dream ora fantasy, what do I need to live happy, healthy bodies, open minds, two legs which cross without speaking, eyes watching without understanding, everything is hidden,everyone wants to have as much as possible, as soon as they it may take longer than others, which can give what he has in too much, what is essential in life, is to have lots of money sitting in the bank, it's reassuring, it is important not to invest and take risks, you do not realize that being alone is not suitable in mind that closes slowly but surely, out of ourselves, share, go to the other, this is an ambition

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