when is it now

jeudi 23 juin 2011

when I was born, the second bounced into my head, why, why, why, baby, born, not born, not reborn, that changes everything or nothing, it depends on the desire, some have the desire to leave, others stay, depending on the position, I start at the time, and then I want to continue, I do not question, I seek answers, full of answers to be sure to hold to the end, it will be fine tomorrow, but before I still have a project I have in mind for a long time, that's how we can promote ideas, if you have any specific thing we'll do it with obvious satisfaction from taking what is to be taken, then we rest, it's tiring to think that we can give the bulk without wanting to do is the history of each, we want to go further,but are we sure to choose the right path, where is he, we discover little by little, a little patience, if we try to go fast you may miss the immediate sense, immediately and for a short time, the vision is this, I watch what happens, I expect, in about an unknown time I can finally be who I am

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