when is it now

jeudi 22 septembre 2011

tomorrow we are tomorrow, so why say that everything is a bit like that and not necessarily far from the idea wrong, we do not know right away if it is, wait until it is organized and there is look see the needle of the scale, it can go from false to true, and why it does not work, there are three, I take off my sweater, I cut a slice of sausage, well, a thought for the suffering, attention to closures, we don't come out, provided turn right at the next meeting, an error of assessment is quickly arriving, how to be sure of their choice, there is a risk, we mistakenly believed that it had to act as he would have been better to do nothing, does the experience helps us, do we not repeat what did'nt not work, no, it falls in the same place, but gradually I'll see what i do it faster, we are conscious of what we do, is that one day I can anticipate and stop before I begin, I do not know, it depends on me, am I able to evolve , humans have taken millions of years before inventing the wheel, so what can I do in 30 or 40 years, depending on my life, am I strong enough to face the loneliness of a non-profit research without reference, without using a vacuum to a full-back, a story that unfolds slowly, how to infer anything other than a desire to be rapid transition, I cling, the desire to stay is strong, I have to push me to believe that one day we will come to me and say what you write is irrelevant, I would say it's true because life has not much interest, one lives out of habit,one does not seek a way out to see outside, the freedom of the wind, the sun's heat, the desire to come across people,

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