when is it now

vendredi 2 mars 2012

Hope springs eternal in the midst of hatred and lack, the human sailing in deep waters, in the bottom one imagines that it's hell or paradise, people have never tried to go there for fear of not to return, humans are screwed onto the base, his ambition is to live as long as possible, even if it extends the possibilities of making mistakes,people die before 40 years, life was going very fast today it will easily up to 90 years, 50 years more for missed opportunities, life is sad, relationships are poor, we do not trust, we fear the other, it is our brain that decides all this, he built a wall around it and pay attention to anyone who comes too close, alarm at all levels, rejection of theforeigner who comes without identifying themselves, how to live together, we say that we don't use throughout the brain, is it in the unused portion that could draw water from the unconditional love, respect each other, body wisdom, the vision is a dream, if we believe inJesus , true love comes when one dies, so the living is in constant struggle to not lose balance, that's what makes age, if at the outset it was stable, we remain young

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