when is it now

vendredi 2 mars 2012

why are we in one camp or another, being French, I fit more on the side of Western values ​​also shared by Japan, between the two, there is Africa, we were told  in Libya that Gaddafi was a tyrant who killed his people, day d, the insurgents so called liberators of Libya, would be crushed by the army of Gaddafi, that day, NATO arrives, ie American planes, French and then English, they bombard and destroy the army of Gaddafi, liberators win the war and kill Gaddafi, it is a great story, but that is Darfur in Sudan, thousands of people die in indifference, Syria, Bashar al-Assad, is organizing the killing of opposition of his dictatorship, but unlike Gaddafi justifying intervention, Assad can kill without being threatening to kill himself, or at least to send bombs on its soldiers who kill women and children, and men too, how many bombs were sent to Libya, millions of euros spent to defend freedom, but where is now Libya, is no longer mentioned, this is a bad sign, 'freedom to put forward, what becomes of it, before there was no freedom of thinking, acting, being the tyrant wanted to know everything, but same time for those who went into the wind, it was quiet, thanks to the western, states of north Africa are uncertain, while in Syria or Sudan, they are confident in  killing opponents without trial, for some countries we support, for others it does not help, the thousands of victims  , there is no human justice

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