when is it now

mardi 30 juillet 2013

when will I be ready

when will I be ready to know that life is there, but thin in a dark reality I hesitate to contradict me as saying it is embarking on an adventure that leads to something I do not know, the inside my body, unknown in the flesh, quickly removed to go from one to the other, it was a Wednesday, I was in my room when all of a sudden I was attacked by a monster with yellow teeth fortunately I had kept in my sleep a long knife handle serious, it was short, raising his arm I could hit the target, I had to complete a cycle, a circle which gives me the opportunity to leave the square that m 'wont let rounding letters now, I can always leave and come back, it does not bother me, that's before it could go to the back, just a little patience, and in all the circumstances I am in reasonable desire, it becomes a quantifiable project, one step after the other, in a situation that is repeated, I go to the source of my life, a space that does not change, it does not pass through any phase, and can not feel the wind of freedom because humans can move quickly from joy to stupor, what I do not understand why I would have done something else, but something bothers me, I do not know where it comes from, it's slow, useless, unconscious, and then it goes to the other, this time which allowed me to move beyond the limits known to me, a little world that takes the road because for years I built an armor that sings when she feels that the time goes by, oh joy of life, would I choose to live when everything falls apart around me, but must continue

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