when is it now

vendredi 28 août 2009

in one memorable time I came to tell me what time it is, it's time to come, absolutely nothing remains, keep your enthusiasm, it is your duty to continue to live, do accept your breath, breathing heavily, hear the murmur of water, birdsong, the wind swaying the leaves of trees, see the passing cars, babies screaming, meaning garbage heated in the sun, walk on your feet, accepts fate, all these days to fill these projects to construct these emotions that vibrate in the heart, you must jump, laugh, take, drop, see without judging, to understand the chance, anticipating misfortune, but when it falls nothing more to say, short of breath, I walk the path of the last remains of the dead, it was him, I am me, is it, we are us and them is they go up the fly, squeeze your buttocks stand up straight, the action takes precedence over thought, life is yours for example air, a kind of instrument that brings a desire, a tuba, you high, but this is not for us, it must move to another place, patiently, one day we can start early, right now we are witnessing the end of the cycle, while on the lam, nothing goes your bets, the dice are thrown, to whom the chance

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