when is it now

vendredi 7 août 2009

once it passes, but when it restarts it gets unbearable, that's how I see my life, started and hard, like a tender steak that lasts for as long as three passages of fork, but I want to digest, I want absolutely, it is a matter of principle, go down, that's where it happens, the truth is in the blue water, it's funny or it's brown, then the
the sweat that can find his way to change the human in animal as soon as he moves in the summer, have been dry but when it's hot, I wipe the sweat on my forehead, but not my ass, it is the pants which are responsible, through the rocking motion of walking, pants moves in all directions, it spreads the field so that the smell is not too strong, however the nose is far from this area, someone should put her face close to my ass so that he can assess the extent of perfumes, but it never happens, nobody comes sniffing me, we are not dogs, the human integrity, it is this that distinguishes us from animals, good morals is to say nothing if it stinks, people don't say what they feel,

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