when is it now

vendredi 28 août 2009

there was a time when the happy moments spent elsewhere, now everything is stuck there at the end of my memory, nothing happens, the information pile up as if the changes went empty, no more advanced, I stagnates where I am without hope of change, I'll bury myself slowly in experience over wild ride in the meadows, most of staring into the night, I know all this, I did it, now I am silent listening to my breathing, she told me that I am alive, the only question that comes to me, that's how long I spend every second, it only takes one so I never falls, a small second, but first decades of life without glory, without flavor, a sad life and settled, it's my fault, I have no taste for anything, anything is everything, then nothing is nothing, but I don't feel bad I am an optimist, the day begins, I am happy this evening falls, woe is all over, and go again the next morning, it lasts for years, or more exactly it started one day, day when I was forty, suddenly I realized that I had covered half of my life, so I think the figures for life expectancy, 80 years for men, I am the half my life, and also at the top, I climbed for forty years and now I go down

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