when is it now

vendredi 24 février 2012

to a fixed point that I thought I advance, but the further I go the more I am away, how will I know back home, maybe one day I would have no more home, living in hotels, to avoid having to clean up, a month here, a month there,changing countries, continents, this is a project that will never see the day, it remains in the night, because what I imagine is scheduled to arrive in 20 years, how will I then all I can say is that I lived 44 years and I feel I have not changed, my body changed, but inside I'm always ready to go, without understanding the most part, I advance with my eyes closed, hoping that I pass in the midst of dangers, but sometimes I'm stuck, so I do not know what do, I have no trick, it's make or break, and I can not change that, I do not know if we can change the inside, it's so deep,it is beyond us, one day, two days, it takes time for everything again from scratch without a hump, and then we can have a complete view of what happens

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