when is it now

jeudi 1 avril 2010

to be convinced not to remain vigilant as silly, you just take each morning a resolution adapted to the situation, each person is different and we can not please everyone, everyone must think about what it is, then he may start the paths that lead to his heart and discovered a wonderful spectacle of flesh and blood, pure movement that has no bad intentions, what is surprising is to see that all human beings possess that pure heart, but when they conduct their lives, they are evil, how to understand that the heart does not direct the human being, not the heart of life, but this does not complete the happiness of a human head It is true that one can not think without stopping his heart, but does say it hurts the heart, the heart fails me, therefore I'm confident in human evolution, one day will come when the heart be strong, stronger than lies, one day we will all speak of love hearts, humans are no longer humans, they have evolved, one has to evolve over millions of years, even a small effort

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