when is it now

vendredi 25 janvier 2013

however, it is true that I am able to understand a lot of signs, for example I know see what goes into a specific set of vague situations, in fact I started what I fnished, because I want to be aware of what is happening, I do not spend a day without repeating myself, so I try output, what, how, why, I pass by, I'm here, it's good, I continue in this direction, a little further I présision the right thing, I must be more specific, in fact I'm trying to see through the inversion is a phenomenon that occurs in the summer when the girls are in bikinis, it does not like the old that do not bathed when she was young, because at that time we knew how to live without thinking, which is not the case anymore, now everyone thinks everyone is on Face book to say no 'anything, but it does not matter now because it's good, it's been awhile that I have not felt this event, something short, it starts, it ends, I'm ready, this is it, I make a turn, must I walk, we walk together, we try to go away, but many give up, they stop to go to the store, I continue alone, it does not bother me, I'm always alone

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