when is it now

mercredi 30 janvier 2013

there is always a way out if not gone too far in bullshit, because in life there is shit to do, eat too much, drink too much, see too many naked girls to see too many dreams, too large, have too much money, there is always somewhere too, so how do you stay in balance, we must bring down somewhere and spend time thinking about the passage of time, the brain is empty, retains only the key to savor the moment without fear, it's fine, it's raining, snowing, it verglasse it falls dogs, they come back, they take their time, it does not matter, I'm ready to m engage in a new path of hope and light, it makes me feel good, and I think the more I do, this is a workout for the brain emerges from the bad impressions, at the bottom there is always a place for happiness, just pick her up and we start a tour, it's fun, moments like this, it can be said that it's worth living, years, days, beliefs , doubts, joys and finally a hole happy, it's crazy, it's wonderful, it's incomprehensible, it's black, it's white, night, morning, meaning the world night, people happy, warm duvets, sleep heavy, and days pass without stopping to say hello, no time, there are so many things to do and without losing a minuter, I advance in direction, we must choose, it is not easy even if it corresponds to an overall direction, a project that takes its time, that's life, which lead to a snail's pace for hours and hours do nothing, it's tiring, I'm going to bed

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