when is it now

mercredi 17 avril 2013

begins one day, I'm ready, soon, I'll go here, but what's going on, there is a storm, I can not go any further, I must decline, which I thought I could go further, I must think about what to do now, the minutes pass in uncertainty, I should have, but how to imagine what will happen when I sit on a chair, there is nothing else to do is like that, life goes on in times when I can not do is blocked, wait, why get there, I do not know, there's so much uncertainty that each step takes me somewhere, I have not decided what are the events that are connected, there is no freedom, we think we can decide his life, in reality, everything is condemned, there are invisible walls that require us to go there, exactly in the place that is our own, it can be dirty too, it depends on when yesterday it was noon, I was alone in the streets of the French capital, it was not raining, I 'was happy, as if every moment we could cut up in slices, such as time to time, things are going well, then all of a sudden, such as time to time, something is wrong, I'm sad, I not know why, but that's changing fast, I return to the higher level, it starts here, quickly, I despatch, I do not want to go down, it is my desire, I do not know if this will work, because between his desire and reality there is an unbridgeable chasm to cross to the other side it takes one day a bridge is built, I expect

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