when is it now

mercredi 17 avril 2013

one day I'm lost, I do not remember who I was and where I lived at that time did not know it bothered me because I do not know anything about my life, then crossing someone I raw know, I asked him why he was there, crossing my life, why was there before me, but I do not speak of strong enough, because the person passed without noticing me, so it reminded me of something my life, this indiférence, this frustration, yes, I remember, I'm an unknown, I seek nothing, I find nothing, I live every day, that's all I do, I do not laugh, I do not dance, I walk along the streets, I'm sure that somewhere something that pleases me, the more time passes the passage narrows, before I had plenty of time, I was not blocked, I was not where I wanted to know what life could bring, but now I have to go straight, it goes, it goes, it's slow, it's quick, the years of second, people, walls, he suddenly nothing happens, but in a month, it's over and it starts, I do not know know, it clings to the cabinets, I have to empty the bath it is a consciousness, I saw quickly until the next time it comes back quickly, I do not mind once I'm hungry again I thirst for years I could see, then why would you want anything else, it is a simple story

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