when is it now

lundi 14 décembre 2009

In a sense I am able to feel a real emotion, but it does not last, I must quickly move on to not stay in one place, it might not go as I want a moment of peace before the approximate last breath, the silence after the tumult, the story ends here even if it is not suitable for living, it is not customary to say thank you to the dead, but I do not see why we could not forget what it is second, just long enough to understand that everything is all around is complete, nothing left to do now, that which remains will rot if we do nothing, but I do not care I could myself in the indifference of others who think only their bodies, what else think that's worth the money, sex, power is nothing against the happiness of be in the transparency of time without feeling anything unpleasant, a pure moment of selfishness in the vastness of the world ahead without me, but I'm under no illusions, I am optimistic for the gallery, in my heart it bathes and never resurface, a world engulfed who occasionally returns to the surface to remind youth that there has to die, I'm alive but part of me is dead for me to continue living daily with indecent cheerfulness that comes straight from heaven, I get all the hours a package of graces that boost the morale