when is it now

mardi 1 décembre 2009

never simple joy, the complication demands attention, it does not matter what, there is a beginning and an end, how do you find meaning if you run like a child who does not direct its choice, that's how we get old, while preparing to avoid surprise, the unknown is limited so it does not waste time control, to separate the yolks and whites, it is recommended to break the shell into two equal parts for the division lead to a result without a comma, an integer that can be handled easily, as if in life you do not drool over with lots of zero line, how many stories unnecessary to address the lack of love, generations pass and found the same number of idiots per square meter, difficult to move right into this thicket of contradictions feverish, personal interests do not communicate in the simple joy of the body that require nothing other than launching into the air for words that can catch them without risk of falling into a trap, but the man is a hunter, he is for millions of years, it needs to flush the prey, finding fault where he can plant his dislike weak who can not defend themselves, pretty view of control, while moving around the envious, the jealous, who do not accept the kindness

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