when is it now

mercredi 3 août 2011

in the course one day is needed to understand what we did and what did not, could anyone do anything, in retrospect we see nothing, the brain is not designed to have an objective view, as soon as time passes, it switches to the negotiation, do I regret it, was it, can I do better, am I capable, of that lost time, we are not able to go straight without asking any question, we do what we do, so what if we hurt, how important, if modernity is, it is in the abandonment of justification, which is well has become what is mine, my project, my happiness, my pleasure, my desire, if it interests people, in what is also interested in their project, selfishness is the highest level since the internet is developed, it gave the opportunity to be yourself mentally, we already had before the washing machine that had allowed to be alone at home, internet complete this process by allowing people to be alone among others with whom he communicates by sending messages that no one reads, there is no group, no longer wants to bother others, it's winter collective, individualism saw its heyday, is this going to last, humans are sheep, they need to be together, reacting to the  digital vacuum will develop meetings before they knew internet, able to touch somebody, tell somebody one for real, it's better than hitting the keyboard a message and send it in the interstellar void

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