when is it now

lundi 1 août 2011

understand that it will, but first I want to be able to take and leave, to choose what I want and I do not want, I want to be sure of myself, what are my choices, meat every day, it is an advantage to know the time is now, it can not be wrong if I go down the stairs I am careful not to fall, an accident happens so quickly, we can not avoid everything, a drunk Polish  who drove his van to go and kill 3 people in a car traveling in the right direction, destiny strikes, we can't prepare fwhen it's fate, one can't see what happens too quickly, we said he would turn the steering wheel to avoid an oncoming truck, but we know that we must add the speeds that are against eachother, so the van was going 140 kilometers hour, the car was to 130 km / h, are added, it's 270 km / h, at that speed the reaction time is very short, 3 seconds before impact, not enough time to turn the steering wheel, it goes straight to their deaths without have wanted, maybe the Polish drunk was tired of life, a form of collective suicide, it carries with itself the innocent people who wanted to live long, unfortunately they had not read their destiny s' arrested that day, obviously we do not know what will happen, magicians claim to know the future, but he is wrong half the time, once you live once you die, too bad, I still paid dearly for finally die on the highway and no fault of their own, we see here that death is not the cost of a bad action, although it does not know the innocent victims,  had they a due to meet a Polish drunk, life is strange

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