when is it now

mercredi 28 décembre 2011

if I had a simple story, but every day is complicated, it must be and have the time, but how can we believe anything is possible, I do not know where to begin the first, I thought how to do, but by advancing in life I realize that I do not know, one day at a time, the morning is cold, it warms the afternoon, the hours pass, I start to get bored, I should have an idea that corresponds to I am, I seek, I seek, I do not, everything is vain, where to find what may be surprised, I must do it myself, I must be brave, face the unknown, to the before, even if it is useless, I am on this earth to live, what is this challenge, we expect it nothing happens, we would like, but it is unclear what, money, time, recognition, we know what we know, there is no other way of knowing, we know that we are, we know what we have, a body of ideas, frustrations, moose too short, how to go far, I have not the key that opens the door, I'm away, fatigue, boredom, passing time without stopping, nothing, above all, the goal is far, I do not see it, if I continue, if I'm close, if I want, if that's how, if so, if not I do not know, it depends on me or the circumstances are they support, am I going, what I am worth, here or there, always choose a path, every second, choice,

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