when is it now

jeudi 29 décembre 2011

one day I said to myself, that's it, but I was too young to know that what is, otherwise how would they do for a living,we could not live as if it was different, no, we live as one is, you are alone, the world is before us and we are alone,how to get help, we seek in the dark, no one, obviously you're in my brain, it is small given the outside, but insidehe has lived for millions of years, it is a space inhabited by stars, galaxies, it does not advance day by day, move every 300,000 years, while the humans are in a hurry, every second counts, it's too late, I know of, but why I did not think it is the story of a life, all the missed opportunities because of the brain that does not move, the creation is good, too good for me, I am only to be well I should have been 50, we could walk together, I would have never beenalone, but life goes on without looking back

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