when is it now

vendredi 30 décembre 2011

everything is simple, but then it gets complicated, intricate, but it boggles the reality serious and boring, I am callinga simple, I mean I know well and share, is it going to go on, go I managed to walk to China, but for now I just gofrom room to the kitchen, I eat noodles and drink French wine, because I do not like the California wine because I am French, my mouth has been drinking wine for years, I got used to this culture of fermented grape at that time the Americans were drinking beer today is globalization, diseases are everywhere, problems and people come and go with their ideas and their disease and their problems, there is no decontamination areas in airports, which arethemselves of security gates to ensure that people have no weapons or explosives, but they may have AIDS, so I do travel, I know the risks, I prefer to stay home, I control the flow

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