when is it now

mercredi 21 novembre 2012

a day to see in the mirror, see what I am, alone on earth, in a human way, an image of loneliness, truth independent of the will, here and now, freed from the belief vision of someone, I'm nobody, just a body ages, it is happy, it's a hollow day, but soon I take over, I'm over me I see with eyes tender, it does not matter, you do what you can, you quietly advances in life, it is a gentle slope, provided they remain within the limits imposed by love, it is a contract that gives the freedom to love without conditions, one is two, it continues even if the temptation to go up to the two, I do not know what we want, it is as if we all should be, there is destiny in our meeting, it does not happen to everyone, so I do not understand why we should not do anything, it does not depend on me, yesterday I was below my ideal existence, today I floats on the surface of reality, everything happens so I say the road leads somewhere, that's for sure, everything is bathed in cheerful indifference, I like that, aside from the moments of doubt and absence, I'm usually ready to go slightly in a project that does not interest me, it's always like that, we play the comedy not to fall into a hole, because being alone is not convenient, we talking to a wall, we do food shopping for yourself, we laugh alone is terrible, unlike the married life World Cup, there are two, one in front of the other , we look, we talk, it's beautiful, it's old, it's nice, and then the hours pass, soon it will be sure that the time has won, time plays with the human c is the time always wins, it lasts for millions of years, since the appearance of the first man, the first woman, the first child and so on, forever after, that's human, and then what happens

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