when is it now

mardi 27 novembre 2012

when will I see that I'll see one day, the absolute meaning of life, is freed when its supposed modernity, it is essential that the latter glass, this impression disappears within one second after the first birth in the world, rise to what I am deep truth finally revealed a history of e, but before you have to wait for the right moment, it is not a choice, it comes one day, day I was shopping in a supermarket, great in size, great by the poor quality of products it offers, but I was in great shape, it happens from time to time, I put the radio, died by the thousands, natural disasters, mud flows, cars swept away in the waves roaring, but me in my bathroom I am careful not to cut myself shaving, it is a great pleasure to take a shower after you feel clean, and then life happens, we're not careful, and if it collapses one day, see how close we can not see anything in his life,

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