when is it now

mercredi 21 novembre 2012

I must say that the table has four legs, it means that it goes, if you take off a leg, it falls, falling plates, glasses fall, I fell down and all of a sudden I see everything passes under the sofa, a life of tiny insects moving in the recesses of my memory long ago I was young, I could not imagine what I was going to live then, this is now I see that, before I had no time, so why now I see, life is divided into several pieces, first the youth is a moment of carelessness, protective parents, then all of a sudden we go in adult life, without being prepared, we leave adolescence, he must immediately play the game, be responsible, it is not easy, but you get used, and 50 years later, it is the onset of old age, it is not prepared, it must immediately stop what we were doing before, it's over a joke, now we must think about each move must be immediately annoyed by others whereas before it was cool, it's like this life, we laugh for years, without preparing for the future, and this is why we're surprised when it stops, what, but no one told me anything, and yes, life is silent, it is in silence while we laugh, it submits, impassive, serene, patient until the day it falls, it hurts, it is like that, we do not doubt it happens as a tomb in the sky blue, a hole is dug, hope pretty beauty of the mind, body awkward, envious, jealous, idiot, ready to fulfill his desire for power, possession, lies, life to sit when we should jump in all directions, sports, staying in shape, joy, sorrow,

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