when is it now

vendredi 27 septembre 2013

passion is accurate, because you have to be exactly where it is, it's accuracy, as well as least I know I know, to know when it is, then there are two, it takes time, we must calculate the time of the return, because the investment is profitable, multiply, divide, we arrive at an incredible result, it does not work, I should have known, but how to imagine the worst, I prefer to laugh, a light laugh, never satisfied, always asking for an explanation, but it is never the same, one must understand the minimum, it's not a big effort, I simply say thank you, but to whom, who has allowed me to live, to the great Creator, thank you for everything, and soon, because one day it's the end or the beginning then, we do not know in which direction we are going, we go there, but yes, it is for this reason that I always seem to be in the posture of one who could cross the line, but something prevents me from across the river, is fear, or lack of knowledge, because we must admit that every step is an achievement, we did not realize it, but when you want to copy the human by making a robot, we do not walk , on the rolls because walking is one caught at the last moment before falling imbalance, human can do it, it is millions of years it does, then you can always say that modernity change something, it is not as obvious as here, I stop because they have provided more fuel

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