when is it now

dimanche 18 janvier 2009

Farewell to my youth

Farewell to my youth, good morning today, there is no press anymore, I breathe regularly, no more dreams, problems reasonable, daily dull without fear or excitement, food shopping, TV, oh ! an event, no more pub after 20h tvnews, I'm not concerned, I look more satellite tv, in an hour I can watch 360 channels one second, then the film at 20h35 it's old times, awake you guys you are in 2009, the TV on demand, when you want, where you want, on a phone for football, but on channel 2, they still think as time of TV public service, the first walk on the moon, the excitement for everybody, good night the little, in black and white, the colour is now in high definition, no way to escape, it’s progress, expect that tomorow tell us that flat screens are as bad for health as base stations for mobile phones, it gives off waves, that's the communication of today, we don’t talk anymore, we chat, we webcamise , mobilize, waves that pass through the body, was initially RTL, an old French radio, many commercials and large red, now it's satellite cannons news, the bodies are riddled with microphones without knowing it, we do can not use them, we have no play button,

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