when is it now

jeudi 26 mars 2009

in the certainty how many, we must also say that the worst is to laugh at oneself when looking haughty is, adjustments by lowering the curtain to see how many dogs are in the street, two short-haired a short-haired, but still it is urgent to make large commission, provided for paper wipes his behind, he did not understand the significance of the face and yet it is essential for well, after it passes through the transit of daily vomiting of uselessness vibrant, but how to wake up to alarm bells to the stupidity of the human being always ready to pounce on a sausage which is not good, but when hungry damn it, we must make sacrifices, do not hold the immediate satisfaction of enjoying the survival condition of the existence of sharing the passion of love, not a small matter, just a setting divine in the flesh of the mare, find a millimeter of easy happiness, a high-flying company, while the body is made of trance, love, love this another con, ha not be starting from scratch, how d ' I have test to last, one for the thirsty, yes, but it cost me dear, I have to look at the

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