when is it now

vendredi 13 mars 2009

passing later in my life I realized that the gap is huge all around the body walks a desire to be walking in the wind interstellar commissioned by I do not know what bird of bad omen, it darkens not right peg on our wall of small self-contentment, in a moment everything is destroyed, self-confidence, freedom to think without fear, just to repeat since the beginning of the prehistory of my life when I was a lemur sucking ants before looking who wants to earn millions, no thank you I prefer to wait until the situation clears slowly at the pace I choose, years of construction of a ramshackle building, but who knows what it means to sacrifice for possibly get better later, it is a risk to take, and after who knows where everything is wonderful as possible, the exact opposite of now or nothing moves, the hand holding the passage to nowhere , heaven or hell I could, I should have, I will be far from here or anywhere else it depends on the starting point and especially the middle when everything seems lost when we are on the beach only survivor of a ship engulfed, Noah's ark the days pass, it is four hours, the taste

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