when is it now

samedi 28 janvier 2012

we must not exaggerate, everything is beautiful to a degree, or a comma if you want to go further, it is how far you want to go, many remain where they are, it suits them, they know everyone, it is no longer a surprise, we spent theday shaking his head, like chickens suggest looking at the sky and the earth at every step, once the divine, oncethe field, it is beautiful, but it will not last, it's better like that, everything changes to avoid saying the same thing, it is suggested to move forward, there is no reason to be quiet, I pay my taxes, I vote elections, does not stop me from sleeping, and you, how are you, it is light, it always asks if it's going, no time to ask the other what his dreams orlack , everything goes fast, I do not know why, for generations we do the same thing, we are born, it grows quickly,it was not until old age to look back and see that nothing has been done in his life, thousands of days without unity, every day is independent, he does what he wants, it is very difficult to consistency in his life, as one would like anunhappy or happy event comes just shoving, nothing remains before, all we had thought lost, the new overwrites all

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