when is it now

jeudi 26 décembre 2013

I just wanted to say something , but it can not do the trick, I have to wait it out , then I can always lie down beside her and then pass it on to penetrate but it bothers me to have to lie still , I preferred to go straight but I realize that I am not able to do what I love, I have to go in hate, and there I see I can do is still farther, always because of something that pushes me to go in that direction as if I could not do what I want it, but anyway it is impossible to stand still , we is changing , without stopping , while constantly moving , there is not a second where an atom wants to see what happens and disturbs the whole body is forced to move a finger , and c ' is left to age , we can not stay young , everything is blocked , you can not go back, so we rushed forward , ever , ever , without going slowly because the slope is too steep , it is drawn by the pleasure , you only live for a few minutes agreement, when I hear the train whistle I know it's time to eat , and this is what happens when one is unable to take a position , it is a unable to secure bowl , monsters came , we must go through it , it is a question of numbers , when we are happy we are able to pretend that all is well , but in fact everything goes wrong since I decided to do something else, I can not believe it and I wonder why I do it , I would not rather go somewhere to try to seduce a woman and offer to come in my room show him that I am able to give him pleasure , it is a gift I received but I do not use for fear of being the father of many children

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