when is it now

jeudi 26 décembre 2013

if I see I see dancing muses, it amuses me but I know I dream in life because everything is on the ground, in the mud of existence must stand up and believe we can do it , then it nothing happens because the time is chosen, it must be attention to the eyes, that's how we fall , we are always on the lookout but it comes from a single blow by chance, because it's good like that one thing is for sure the other is less , so I selected that is brilliant , so I let myself drift into a shark , but it does not matter because I know how to live without much problem, just believe that the time has passed , I say okay , and it's over, it's over , and it is finished, we should no longer start because the turn is over , it dance but one day it falls , so how do live far have hours ahead, always lose a little and still be happy, because happiness takes work like pancake batter , as not to lose the thread, I am near it by habit but also envy, because if one is indifferent nothing is done , it is expected that it will not pass, and we are sure you must change your mind to be in a new agreement that has not been chosen whereas if it is in motion the transition is stable , everything is planned for a long time I reactivate the reactor that provides all power we will be in light for sixty years , even in the year 2073 , it falls on bone, it does not fret himself , it falls into the cabinet you put in the ground , never to see the light, it is an angel passing through there by chance and sees me lying on the ground , it takes me in his arms and took me to heaven , and yes , now finally my life and my death begins , finally got rid of the human pressure that pushed me to do anything to try not to lose balance, but what I thought was not the greatest foresight , continue it a little bit and then it stops the breath of life that goes off like that, one second after the other, breath of life died

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