when is it now

mardi 16 février 2010

It only took the time it takes when you must, but this is not that and the converse is not true, it depends on the weather, in the month of August there is fine, but this does not mean it's raining, it rained a lot last night, but he did not like tomorrow when he will make his mistakes, a beast that had never harmed anyone, they kill for eat, this is no way to catch flies, he must open his mouth to that temptation becomes strong enough to mount on the nose, watch the march, Grandma, we do not want to see you fall to reach inheritance, there are things that are done, we could wish in silence, thinking of all these useless things but need to impress others that will be able to buy one day he will not be too late the pleasure is there, but let us be young and carefree, enjoy life without thinking, young bodies are working well, needless to revise them, it works by itself, is really great, but time passes, we range of ideas in the cellar and you pay to eat, to sleep, it's over time to laugh for nothing, now we must have everything, respect, the sir, madam, how are you today it is less beautiful than yesterday and the bread is not good, but I'm off, I gotta go eat cold, it's to save money when the wind came on, singing all summer and ant n is not lending

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