when is it now

mercredi 5 mai 2010

beginning to understand it must pause at the beginning, but it will not last until the evening, then we can go eat together or separately, so if you prefer to be alone, I do not cause problems, butRight now I'm on a gentle slope and I have to be careful not to lose the sense that rises too quickly, with patience I think I can find an elegant and free of personal constraints, here's another running, what does it, I do not know what to think, Will it come so far I do not think so, or else she would rather miss the most, it does not bother me, I'm home here, if I decidecompensate for the lack by an output light, why bother to tell anyone, I am pleased to announce that the goal will be reached soon, but before that I ask you to understand how far we go, ladiesgentlemen, sit back and blow a big blow, that's the time to clear the conscience to make soup, but this does not depend on me

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